Seit bestimmt vier Jahren nunmehr kommt diese Narzisse wieder. Sie stammt aus einem "gemischten Beutel", den ich bei einem Discounter gekauft hatte. Die anderen Blüten gefielen mir eh nicht und sie kamen nach dem ersten Frühling auch nicht wieder. Diese hier hat einen wunderbaren Duft und ein schönes grelles Gelb. Ich nehme an, dass es eine Jonquille ist, da sie sehr gut duftet.
Yuzu syrup, sort of
vor 1 Tag
2 Kommentare:
Those look exactly like the ones blooming in my garden (the ones I can't identify). Mine came from some bulbs I divided in a small garden we have at work. I can't tell if it's fragrant until I get rid of this cold!
I don't think I have any N. tazetta cultivars. My favorite sweet-smelling narcissus is "Thalia".
That looks like our narcissus as well. I don't know the names of the different narcissus, although we have several types in our backyard (I inherited them from the previous owners). Of course I can't read German, so I am just talking about the picture! I want to know: do you have lilacs there? It probably gets cold enough there to have them. I live in TX & we don't have them here -- never gets cold enough for long enough, even in north TX. I miss them. We do have wysteria tho, & I have some good pics of that, so I'll post it soon. They are beautiful and smell nice too.
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