After my human took these photos she was laughing very hard and saying something about me being her "little lama"...

... no I'm wondering what lamas are, if they are nice and being one a good thing?!

If I find out it's a bad thing I'm gonna give her the bitey. Oh yes, the bitey...
5 Kommentare:
Llamas are very cute, Siena! But not nearly as beautiful as you are.
Llamas are soft, and you look SO SOFT, Siena!
Your Pals,
Sen-Chan and Tom
Llamas also spit.... but I am sure only if they are incited by unruly humans, right? We are pretty sure you are cuter than a Llama. But you should give the bitey (softly!) anyway!!
Abby & Stygia
Ooh, a llama? No, a soft, furry, purry, purty lady cat!
Hi Siena, you are utterly beautiful. Llamas have very soft fur, so maybe your Mum meant that you are a little llama because your fur is so soft?
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